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The highs (and lows) of an artists life - part 1


I'm often asked the question, how do you get your paintings into galleries... or into exhibitions/competitions?, people have asked me this question a few times!.

And today I think I might be able to answer that for you!.......

During the years It's been great to see my art doing well in galleries, I've been extremely fortunate to have some lovely gallery representations and lucky to sell many paintings via these galleries, but actually there's nothing quite like dealing with your customers directly, that connection with the people who are purchasing your paintings directly from you, its priceless, for me it's one of the most satisfying parts of being an artist, it's nice to be able to see where your paintings end up and see who's enjoying them, this personal connection with your customers (and having a little faith in your art) are the most important, in my humble opinion.

Choosing art as a career can be a tricky business, can be extremely hard work to make a living, and hard to get galleries and mentors to embrace your art, but don't lose hope, I'd advise any aspiring artist to focus simply on the joy of painting above all else, everything else is a bonus, but not a necessity. Yes gallery representation is great ( if you can get it) and does have the potential to bring you a bit of much needed additional income (probably) and could even launch your art career to a high level, but it isn't crucial.

And art competitions might bring you some confidence, kudos and custom ( possibly), but in my experience the thing that brings me the most joy isnt any of the above, it is in fact my loyal customer base, they're the ones who have been commenting on/purchasing/enjoying my art for years now, they're the ones who " spread the word " and they're the ones who give me confidence and encouragement.

It's also a wonderful feeling when my customers send me little pictures of my paintings proudly displayed in their homes, all framed up and cherished forever :-)

Yep, a customer base that you've spent years building yourself is (for me) the most important thing, the customers that you interact with on a regular basis, the customers who understand you and get genuine pleasure from your art . These (and the painting process itself) are the true & real joys ( the highs ) of being an artist.

You will probably have have good years and bad years as an artist, slow times and busy times, 2024 for me has been my worse year ever, it's been quiter than usual, I've also had some personal disappointments here and there, and felt occasionally let down, I even shed a few sobs and tears (very unlike me, I'm not not a typical crier by nature ), but this morning I received an incredibly warm and complimentary massage from one of my customers about my art and it just really touched my heart, so as I sit here today looking back over my art career (and re-reading that message over and over again lol ) I have to smile with contentment because it dawned on me that I'm satisfied with what I've achieved!, and I'm also still madly in love with art, and that's great!.

Hence I think the best advice I can now give, and the best way to answer the question is ....

Just be yourself!, and carry on, carry on regardless, regardless of bad times or good, regardless of disappointments, focus instead on the deep satisfaction you feel every time you are absorbed in the painting process, that feeling that you get deep inside your soul cannot be matched, only an artist will know what I'm talking about, the feeling is great ( I love it ) and it cannot be taken away from you, so just keep on painting.

Continue creating art, art is a beautiful thing no matter who's creating it.

Do it your way, and above all else never lose the passion.

People will find you, people will find your art , and even if they don't, you'll still be doing something wonderful and something that you love 💖






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